--> By: James Quacinella <--
Objectives: This study will extend an established model for estimating the current living wage in 2014 to the past decade for the purpose of:
Methods: The original data set for this model is for 2014. This study will extend the data sources of this model into the past to enable trend analysis. Data for economic metrics from public data sources will supplement this data for correlation analysis.
The original model proposed estimated the living wage in terms of 9 variables:
basic_needs_budget = food_cost + child_care_cost + ( insurance_premiums + health_care_costs ) + housing_cost + transportation_cost + other_necessities_cost
living_wage = basic_needs_budget + ( basic_needs_budget * tax_rate )
The following data sources are used to find estimates of the model variables:
These data sets extend into the past, allowing for calculating the model for years past. The data will also have to be adjusted for inflation 6.
First, data will be gathered from the data sources of the original model but will be extended into the past. The methodology followed by the model will be replicated to come up with a data set representing estimates of the living wage across time. After the data set is prepared, the trend of the living wage as compared to minimum wage can be examined. Has the gap increased or decreased over time, and at what rate? Have certain areas seen larger than average increases or decreases in this gap?
Once preliminary trend analysis is done, this data set will be analyzed in comparison to other economic trends to see if any interesting correlations can be found. Correlations to GDP growth rate and the national rate of unemployment can be made, but the primary investigation will be to see if the living wage gap correlates to national spending on SNAP (Food stamps). In other words, we will see if there is any (potentially time lagged) relationship between the living wage gap and how much the United States needs to spend to support those who cannot make ends meet. A relationship here can potentially indicate that shrinking this gap could lower public expenditures.
Results will be presented for both parts of the data analysis. For studying the living wage gap trends, this report will present graphs of time series, aggregated in different ways, of the living wage as well as the living wage gap. Some of these time series will be presented along side data on public expenditures on SNAP to visually inspect for correlations.
In [16]:
%pylab inline
# Standard stuff
import os
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import pickle
# Data science!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
# For crawling insurance data
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Useful for display purposes
from prettytable import PrettyTable
# from IPython.core.display import HTML
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from pprint import pprint
# Used for determining string similarity for county names
# import editdist
# Path to local dir on my laptop
PROJECT_PATH = "/home/james/Development/Masters/Thesis"
def constant_factory(value):
''' Always prodcues a constant value; used fo defaultdict '''
return itertools.repeat(value).next
def caption(msg, tablenum):
''' Help convert text into suitable table caption '''
return "<br><b>Table %d - %s</b>" % (tablenum, msg)
Lets setup some inflation multipliers:
In [4]:
# Multiply a dollar value to get the equivalent 2014 dollars
# Original numbers from model; used to confirm methodology matches the original model
inflation_multipliers = {
2010: 1.092609,
2011: 1.059176,
2012: 1.037701,
2013: 1.022721,
2014: 1.0
# Updated inflation numbers should scale to 2015 dollars
updated_inflation_multipliers = {
2000: 1.3811731,
2001: 1.3429588,
2002: 1.3220567,
2003: 1.2925978,
2004: 1.2590683,
2005: 1.2178085,
2006: 1.179752,
2007: 1.1470807,
2008: 1.1046664,
2009: 1.1086106,
2010: 1.0907198,
2011: 1.0573444,
2012: 1.0359069,
2013: 1.0209524,
2014: 1.004655
Global identifiers used throughout the project:
In [5]:
# Constants used to refer to US regions
REGION_EAST = 'east'
REGION_MIDWEST = 'midwest'
REGION_SOUTH = 'south'
REGION_WEST = 'west'
REGION_BASE = 'base' # Used for when a state is not in a region (Alaska, Hawaii mostly)
# Create a initial state to region mapping to use for regional weighting
state_to_region_mapping = defaultdict(constant_factory(REGION_BASE))
# Create the inverse mapping of region to list of states
region_to_state_mapping = { }
for state, region in state_to_region_mapping.iteritems():
if region in region_to_state_mapping:
region_to_state_mapping[region] = [state]
# State to full statename mapping
state_to_statename_mapping = {u'AK': u'alaska', u'AL': u'alabama', u'AR': u'arkansas', u'AZ': u'arizona',
u'CA': u'california', u'CO': u'colorado', u'CT': u'connecticut', u'DC': u'district of columbia', u'DE':
u'delaware', u'FL': u'florida', u'GA': u'georgia', u'HI': u'hawaii', u'IA': u'iowa', u'ID': u'idaho',
u'IL': u'illinois', u'IN': u'indiana', u'KS': u'kansas', u'KY': u'kentucky', u'LA': u'louisiana',
u'MA': u'massachusetts', u'MD': u'maryland', u'ME': u'maine', u'MI': u'michigan', u'MN': u'minnesota',
u'MO': u'missouri', u'MS': u'mississippi', u'MT': u'montana', u'NC': u'north carolina', u'ND': u'north dakota',
u'NE': u'nebraska', u'NH': u'new hampshire', u'NJ': u'new jersey', u'NM': u'new mexico', u'NV': u'nevada',
u'NY': u'new york', u'OH': u'ohio', u'OK': u'oklahoma', u'OR': u'oregon', u'PA': u'pennsylvania',
u'RI': u'rhode island', u'SC': u'south carolina', u'SD': u'south dakota', u'TN': u'tennessee', u'TX': u'texas',
u'UT': u'utah', u'VA': u'virginia', u'VT': u'vermont', u'WA': u'washington', u'WI': u'wisconsin',
u'WV': u'west virginia', u'WY': u'wyoming'}
Lets setup regional differences for the food data:
In [6]:
# Multiply price of food by regional multipler to get better estimate of food costs
food_regional_multipliers = {
Create list of values for the years we will work with in the model
In [7]:
model_years = range(2004, 2015)
Some useful FIPS codes:
In [8]:
# FIPS code for NYC Counties Kings
newyork_county = 3606199999
kings_county = 3604799999
queens_county = 3608199999
bronx_county = 3600599999
richmond_count = 3608599999
nyc_counties = [newyork_county, kings_county, queens_county, bronx_county, richmond_count]
# FIPS code for Trenton, NJ
mercer_county = 3402199999
# Fips code for Orange county
orange_county = 601399999
Global knobs for visuals
In [516]:
global_fontweight = 'bold'
global_fontsize = 20
# global_theme = "whitegrid"
global_theme= "darkgrid"
global_theme_options = {"axes.facecolor": ".9"}
def setup_custom_visuals():
sns.set_style(global_theme, global_theme_options)
font = {'weight' : global_fontweight,
'size' : global_fontsize}
tick = {
'labelsize' : 12 # fontsize of the x any y labels
rc('font', **font) # pass in the font dict as kwargs
rc('xtick', **tick)
rc('ytick', **tick)
def setup_default_visuals():
sns.set_style(global_theme, global_theme_options)
The following sections will outline how I gathered the data for the various model parameters as well as other data we need to calculate their values. The original model was made for 2014 data and extending this data to the past means we need to be careful that any changes in the underlying data methodology of these parameters needs to be noted.
Wget commands used to get the Consumer Expenditure Reports:
In [ ]:
# Get CEX for 2013 and 2014 (XLSX format)
for i in `seq 2013 2014`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/$i/aggregate/cusize.xlsx -O ${i}_cex.xlsx; done
# Get CEX for 2004 - 2012 (XLS format)
for i in `seq 2004 2012`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/$i/aggregate/cusize.xls -O ${i}_cex.xls; done
# Get CEX for 2001 to 2003 (TXT format)
for i in `seq 2001 2003`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/aggregate/$i/cusize.txt -O ${i}_cex.txt; done
# Get CEX region for 2013 and 2014 (XLSX format)
for i in `seq 2013 2014`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/$i/aggregate/region.xlsx -O ${i}_region_cex.xlsx; done
# Get CEX region for 2004 - 2012 (XLS format)
for i in `seq 2004 2012`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/$i/aggregate/region.xls -O ${i}_region_cex.xls; done
# Get CEX region for 2001 to 2003 (TXT format)
for i in `seq 2001 2003`; do wget http://www.bls.gov/cex/aggregate/$i/region.txt -O ${i}_region_cex.txt; done
In [ ]:
# Change command to get '10 - '15
for i in {1..9}; do wget http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/usda_food_plans_cost_of_food/CostofFoodJun0$i.pdf; done
In [ ]:
cd data/fmr
for i in `seq 2014 2015`; do wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr${i}f/FY${i}_4050_RevFinal.xls -O fmr${i}.xlsx; done
for i in `seq 2010 2013`; do wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr${i}f/FY${i}_4050_Final.xls -O fmr${i}.xlsx; done
for i in `seq 2009 2009`; do wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr${i}r/FY${i}_4050_Rev_Final.xls -O fmr${i}.xlsx; done
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr2008r/FMR_county_fy2008r_rdds.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr2007f/FY2007F_County_Town.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr2006r/FY2006_County_Town.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmr2005r/Revised_FY2005_CntLevel.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/FMR/FMR2004F/FMR2004F_County.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/FMR2003F_County.xls
wget http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/FMR2002F.xls
In [23]:
# Counties dict will map county ID to useful infomation, mostly region and state
counties = { }
In [ ]:
# Load insurance data
cd data/insurance
for i in `seq 2001 2014`; do
wget -O ${i}_tiic2.html http://meps.ahrq.gov/mepsweb/data_stats/summ_tables/insr/state/series_2/${i}/tiic2.htm ;
In [ ]:
# Data from Tax Foundation on individual tax rates per state per year
cd data/taxes
wget -O State_Individual_Income_Tax_Rates_2000-2014.xlsx http://taxfoundation.org/sites/taxfoundation.org/files/docs/State%20Individual%20Income%20Tax%20Rates%2C%202000-2014.xlsx
Definition from the model:
We assumed that a one adult family would rent a single occupancy unit (zero bedrooms) for an individual adult household, that a two adult family would rent a one bedroom apartment,
The counties are identified by the FIPS code, which is just state code + county code + subcounty code (only post 2005).
We need to do some string matching to find FIPS codes for 2002, since they are not in the file. Exact matches work for 84% of the data. The other data is filled in via finding name with smallest levishtein distance. Used py-editdist instead of nltk's implementation due to speed issues.
Final data can be found in the Appendix: Housing Costs Data Table.
In [657]:
# Fair Market Rent data
fmr_data = { }
def pad_county(county):
''' Pad counties to three digits when we need to construct one manually. '''
return '%03d' % county
def pad_fips(fip):
''' Add 99999 to end of fip code (which nullifies the subcounty identifier) '''
return int(str(fip) + '99999')
# For now, loading 2002 - 2014
for year in range(2002, 2015):
with open(PROJECT_PATH + "/data/fmr/fmr%d.csv" % year, 'rb') as csvfile:
# Store dataframe from csv into dict
fmr_data[year] = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
# Lower case headings to make life easier
fmr_data[year].columns = map(str.lower, fmr_data[year].columns)
# Custom processing per year
if year > 2012:
# Left out "fips2010"
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["fmr1", "county", "cousub", "countyname", "fips2000", "pop2010", "state", "state_alpha"]]
# TODO: should we do this?
# fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['fips2000']
fmr_data[year].rename(columns={'fips2000':'fips', 'pop2010': 'pop'}, inplace=True)
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year].query('cousub == 99999').reset_index(drop=True)
elif year > 2005:
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["fmr1", "county", "cousub", "countyname", "fips", "pop2000", "state", "state_alpha"]]
fmr_data[year].rename(columns={'pop2000': 'pop'}, inplace=True)
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year].query('cousub == 99999').reset_index(drop=True)
elif year == 2005:
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["fmr_1bed", "county", "countyname", "pop2000", "state", "state_alpha", "stco"]]
fmr_data[year].rename(columns={'stco':'fips', 'fmr_1bed': 'fmr1', 'pop2000': 'pop'}, inplace=True)
fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['fips'].map(pad_fips)
elif year == 2004:
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["new_fmr1", "county", "countyname", "pop100", "state", "state_alpha"]]
fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['state'].map(str) + fmr_data[year]['county'].map(pad_county)
fmr_data[year].rename(columns={'new_fmr1': 'fmr1', 'pop100': 'pop'}, inplace=True)
fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['fips'].map(pad_fips)
elif year == 2003:
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["fmr1", "county", "countyname", "pop", "state", "state_alpha"]]
fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['state'].map(str) + fmr_data[year]['county'].map(pad_county)
fmr_data[year]['fips'] = fmr_data[year]['fips'].map(pad_fips)
elif year == 2002:
# NOTE: we have to calculate FIPS codes by hand in cell below
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][["fmr1br", "areaname", "st"]]
fmr_data[year].rename(columns={'st':'state_alpha', 'fmr1br': 'fmr1', 'areaname': 'countyname'}, inplace=True)
# Inflation
fmr_data[year]['fmr1_inf'] = fmr_data[year]['fmr1'] * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]
# Add region column
# METHOD: the defaultdict will use region_base if the state is not in the initial state to region mapping
fmr_data[year]['region'] = fmr_data[year]['state_alpha'].map(lambda x: state_to_region_mapping[x])
In [243]:
# year = 2004
# f = open(PROJECT_PATH + "/data/fmr/fmr%s.csv" % year, 'rb')
# df = pd.read_csv(f)
# df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns)
# df = df[["new_fmr1", "county", "countyname", "pop100", "state", "state_alpha"]]
# df['fips'] = df['state'].map(str) + df['county'].map(pad_county)
# df.rename(columns={'new_fmr1': 'fmr1'}, inplace=True)
# df['fips'] = df['fips'].map(pad_fips)
# df[ df['state_alpha'] == 'NH' ]
In [ ]:
# year = 2005
# f = open(PROJECT_PATH + "/data/fmr/fmr%s.csv" % year, 'rb')
# df2 = pd.read_csv(f)
# df2.columns = map(str.lower, df2.columns)
# df2 = df2[["fmr_1bed", "county", "countyname", "pop2000", "state", "state_alpha", "stco"]]
# df2.rename(columns={'stco':'fips', 'fmr_1bed': 'fmr1'}, inplace=True)
# df2['fips'] = df2['fips'].map(pad_fips)
# df2[ df2['state_alpha'] == 'NH' ]
# fmr_data[2005][fmr_data[2005]['state_alpha'] == 'NH']
In [14]:
# set(fmr_data[2005]['state_alpha'].values) - set(fmr_data[2006]['state_alpha'].values)
In [342]:
##### Handle 2002 data ######
# Custom comparator to compare column of strings to given string
def compare_lambda(y):
def compare(x):
return (x[0], x[1], editdist.distance(x[1], y), x[2])
return compare
# Init list of fips we need to find and a bitmap of which 2002 counties we processes
fips = [ None ] * len(fmr_data[2002]['countyname'])
found_bitmap = [ False ] * len(fmr_data[2002]['countyname'])
# For each count in 2002 ...
# for idx, countyname in enumerate(fmr_data[2002]['countyname']):
for idx, county_and_state in enumerate(fmr_data[2002][['countyname', 'state_alpha']].values.tolist()):
(countyname, state) = county_and_state
# See if any row mathes this countyname exactly
county_matches = fmr_data[2003][ (fmr_data[2003]['state_alpha'] == state) & (fmr_data[2003]['countyname'].str.lower() == countyname.lower()) ]
if len(county_matches) > 0:
fips_val = county_matches['fips'].values[0]
found_bitmap[idx] = True
fips[idx] = fips_val
In [ ]:
##### Handle 2002 data ######
# For each county in 2002 ...
# for idx, countyname in enumerate(fmr_data[2002]['countyname']):
for idx, county_and_state in enumerate(fmr_data[2002][['countyname', 'state_alpha']].values.tolist()):
(countyname, state) = county_and_state
# If already matched, we skip; otherwise ...
if not found_bitmap[idx]:
# Get list of counties (as tuples) in 2003 which we try to match to
# good_counties = list(enumerate(fmr_data[2003]['countyname']))
good_counties = list(enumerate([ list(i) for i in fmr_data[2003][ fmr_data[2003]['state_alpha'] == state ][['countyname', 'fips']].values]))
if len(good_counties) == 0:
# Get list of distances from 2002 countyname to all 2003 countynames
# NOTE: use of compare_lambda to create custom comparator that also
# returns data in (idx, countyname, levdist) form
distances = map(compare_lambda(countyname.lower()),
map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1][0].lower(), x[1][1]),
# Find the minimum distance (with custom key to only compare third element, which is levdist)
min_distance = min(distances, key=lambda x: x[2])
# Update bitmap and store appropriate FIPS code from 2003
found_bitmap[idx] = True
fips[idx] = min_distance[3]
# Add calculated fips to new column in 2002
fmr_data[2002]['fips'] = fips
In [658]:
##### Construct final multi-level dataframe #####
fmr_df = pd.DataFrame()
for year in model_years:
mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip([year]*len(fmr_data[year]), fmr_data[year]['fips']), names=["year", "fips"])
new_df = fmr_data[year]
new_df.index = mindex
new_df.columns = fmr_data[year].columns
fmr_df = pd.concat([fmr_df, new_df])
In [ ]:
In [248]:
# [ list(i) for i in fmr_data[2003][ fmr_data[2003]['state_alpha'] == 'OR' ][['countyname', 'fips']].values]
# fmr_data[2002][ fmr_data[2002]['state_alpha'] == 'OR' ][['countyname', 'fips']].values
# np.sum(found_bitmap) / float(len(found_bitmap))
# print len(set(fmr_data[2002][ fmr_data[2002]['state_alpha'] == 'NY' ]['fips']))
# print len(set(fmr_data[2003][ fmr_data[2003]['state_alpha'] == 'NY' ]['fips']))
# set(fmr_data[2003][ fmr_data[2003]['state_alpha'] == 'NY' ]['fips']).difference(set(fmr_data[2002][ fmr_data[2002]['state_alpha'] == 'NY' ]['fips']))
In [14]:
countyset = set(fmr_data[2004]['fips'])
# print len(countyset)
# Create set that is the intersection of all fips values
for year in range(2005, 2014):
countyset = countyset.intersection(set(fmr_data[year]['fips']))
# Filter out each dataframe based on above set
for year in range(2005, 2014):
fmr_data[year] = fmr_data[year][ fmr_data[year].isin({'fips': countyset})['fips'].values ]
# Confirm
# print fmr_data[2004].sort('fips')
# print fmr_data[2005].sort('fips')
In [15]:
for year in model_years:
x = set(fmr_data[year]['fips'])
y = set(fmr_data[year+1]['fips'])
print("Diff between %d and %d is: %s" % (year, year+1, len(y.difference(x))))
print("Diff between %d and %d is: %s" % (year, year+1, len(x.difference(y))))
# print(list(set(fmr_data[2005]['fips']))[0:10])
# print(list(set(fmr_data[2006]['fips']))[0:10])
print set(fmr_data[2006]['fips']).difference(set(fmr_data[2005]['fips']))
This article from Business Insider lists the top 150 counties by population.
TODO: 12 counties are not matches, since these have breakdowns of subcounties. This is similar to the issue with counties in 2004 - 2006
In [13]:
# Taken from link above
most_populous_counties = [("Los Angeles County","CA"),("Cook County", "IL"),("Harris County", "TX"),("Maricopa County", "AZ"),("San Diego County","CA"),("Orange County", "CA"),("Miami-Dade County","FL"),("Kings County", "NY"),("Dallas County", "TX"),("Queens County", "NY"),("Riverside County", "CA"),("San Bernardino County","CA"),("King County", "WA"),("Clark County", "NV"),("Tarrant County", "TX"),("Santa Clara County","CA"),("Broward County", "FL"),("Wayne County", "MI"),("Bexar County", "TX"),("New York County","NY"),("Alameda County", "CA"),("Philadelphia County", "PA"),("Middlesex County", "MA"),("Suffolk County", "NY"),("Sacramento County", "CA"),("Bronx County", "NY"),("Palm Beach County","FL"),("Nassau County", "NY"),("Hillsborough County", "FL"),("Cuyahoga County", "OH"),("Allegheny County", "PA"),("Oakland County", "MI"),("Orange County", "FL"),("Franklin County", "OH"),("Hennepin County", "MN"),("Fairfax County", "VA"),("Travis County", "TX"),("Contra Costa County","CA"),("Salt Lake County","UT"),("Montgomery County", "MD"),("St. Louis County", "MO"),("Pima County", "AZ"),("Fulton County", "GA"),("Honolulu County", "HI"),("Mecklenburg County", "NC"),("Westchester County", "NY"),("Milwaukee County", "WI"),("Wake County", "NC"),("Fresno County", "CA"),("Shelby County", "TN"),("Fairfield County", "CT"),("DuPage County", "IL"),("Pinellas County", "FL"),("Erie County", "NY"),("Marion County", "IN"),("Bergen County", "NJ"),("Hartford County", "CT"),("Prince George's County", "MD"),("Duval County", "FL"),("New Haven County","CT"),("Kern County", "CA"),("Macomb County", "MI"),("Gwinnett County", "GA"),("Ventura County", "CA"),("Collin County", "TX"),("El Paso County","TX"),("San Francisco County","CA"),("Middlesex County", "NJ"),("Baltimore County", "MD"),("Pierce County", "WA"),("Montgomery County", "PA"),("Hidalgo County", "TX"),("Worcester County", "MA"),("Hamilton County", "OH"),("Essex County", "NJ"),("Multnomah County", "OR"),("Essex County", "MA"),("Jefferson County", "KY"),("Monroe County", "NY"),("Suffolk County", "MA"),("Oklahoma County", "OK"),("San Mateo County","CA"),("Snohomish County", "WA"),("Cobb County", "GA"),("Denton County", "TX"),("DeKalb County", "GA"),("San Joaquin County","CA"),("Lake County", "IL"),("Will County", "IL"),("Norfolk County", "MA"),("Jackson County", "MO"),("Bernalillo County", "NM"),("Jefferson County", "AL"),("Hudson County", "NJ"),("Davidson County", "TN"),("Lee County", "FL"),("El Paso County","CO"),("Denver County", "CO"),("District of Columbia","DC"),("Monmouth County", "NJ"),("Providence County", "RI"),("Fort Bend County","TX"),("Bucks County", "PA"),("Baltimore city", "MD"),("Polk County", "FL"),("Kent County", "MI"),("Tulsa County", "OK"),("Arapahoe County", "CO"),("Ocean County", "NJ"),("Delaware County", "PA"),("Johnson County", "KS"),("Bristol County", "MA"),("Anne Arundel County","MD"),("Washington County", "OR"),("Brevard County", "FL"),("New Castle County","DE"),("Jefferson County", "CO"),("Union County", "NJ"),("Summit County", "OH"),("Utah County", "UT"),("Montgomery County", "OH"),("Douglas County", "NE"),("Lancaster County", "PA"),("Kane County", "IL"),("Stanislaus County", "CA"),("Ramsey County", "MN"),("Camden County", "NJ"),("Chester County", "PA"),("Sedgwick County", "KS"),("Dane County", "WI"),("Passaic County", "NJ"),("Guilford County", "NC"),("Plymouth County", "MA"),("Morris County", "NJ"),("Volusia County", "FL"),("Lake County", "IN"),("Sonoma County", "CA"),("Montgomery County", "TX"),("Spokane County", "WA"),("Richmond County", "NY"),("Pasco County", "FL"),("Greenville County", "SC"),("Onondaga County", "NY"),("Hampden County", "MA"),("Adams County", "CO"),("Williamson County", "TX")]
most_populous_fips = []
for (county, state) in most_populous_counties:
selector = fmr_data[2014][ fmr_data[2014]['state_alpha'] == state ]['countyname'].map(str.lower) == county.lower()
if not np.any(selector):
print "missed %s %s" % (county, state)
most_populous_fips.append( fmr_data[2014][ fmr_data[2014]['state_alpha'] == state ][selector]['fips'].values[0] )
In [30]:
# Serialize
# pickle.dump(most_populous_fips, open(os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "data/most_populous_fips.v1.csv"), "wb"))
# De-serialize
most_populous_fips = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "data/most_populous_fips.v1.csv"), "rb"))
Data for the food calculations have been successfully downloaded in PDF form. The main way to calculate this is, from the PDF:
Adult food consumption costs are estimated by averaging the low - cost plan food costs for males and females between 19 and 50
Note, we add 20% to the values from the data sheets, since the notes on all published PDFs from the USDA state to add 20% to the listed values for individuals since:
The costs given are for individuals in 4-person families. For individuals in other size families, the following adjustments are suggested: 1-person—add 20 percent; ...
The notes for the model also state that regional weights are applied to give a better estimate for food costs across the nation. The result of this section are values for 2014 that match exactly to the data given on the model website, so I am confident the implementation of the methodology below is correct.
The final data can be seen in the Appendix: Food Costs Data Table
In 2006, the data from the USDA changed the age ranges for their healthy meal cost calculations. The differences in range are minimal and should not effect overall estimations.
The methodology of this section produces numbers exactly like the original model, so the confidence in the methodology is high.
In [671]:
# The base food cost (not regionally weighed) for nation (data pulled manually from PDFs)
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year = {
2014: {"base": np.average([241.50, 209.80])},
2013: {"base": np.average([234.60, 203.70])},
2012: {"base": np.average([234.00, 203.00])},
2011: {"base": np.average([226.80, 196.90])},
2010: {"base": np.average([216.30, 187.70])},
2009: {"base": np.average([216.50, 187.90])},
2008: {"base": np.average([216.90, 189.60])},
2007: {"base": np.average([200.20, 174.10])},
2006: {"base": np.average([189.70, 164.80])},
2005: {"base": np.average([186.20, 162.10])},
2004: {"base": np.average([183.10, 159.50])},
2003: {"base": np.average([174.20, 151.70])},
2002: {"base": np.average([170.30, 148.60])},
2001: {"base": np.average([166.80, 145.60])},
# Create ordered dict to make sure we process things in order
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year = OrderedDict(sorted(national_monthly_food_cost_per_year.items(),
key=lambda t: t[0]))
# Adjust the data according to notes above
for year in national_monthly_food_cost_per_year:
# Inflation and 20% adjustment
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year[year]["base"] = \
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year[year]["base"] * 1.20 * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]
# Regional adjustment
for region in food_regional_multipliers:
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year[year][region] = \
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year[year]["base"] * (1 + food_regional_multipliers[region])
national_monthly_food_cost_per_year_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(national_monthly_food_cost_per_year)
Manually download PDFs from ChildCareAware.org. Sadly, they only go back to 2010. I can now either:
Currently I am only focusing on modeling costs for a single adult (an assumption I made early on) since I am interested in trends, and the other 'family configurations' are just linear combinations of the costs for one adult and for one child. However if I wanted to extend the numbers for 1 adult + 1 child, I would have to look into this further. For now I'll move on.
The model uses data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (searchable here). Specifically, the model assumes a single adult's insurance costs are best estimated from Table X.C.1 Employee contribution distributions (in dollars) for private-sector employees enrolled in single coverage. This survey gives the mean cost for a single adult per state.
Table X.C.1 was only added to the survey starting in 2006. There is an alternative table that appears in all years (Table II.C.2: Average total employee contribution (in dollars) per enrolled employee for single coverage at private-sector establishments), which is what is downloaded from the previous section.
One problem is that in 2007 this survey was not done. I solved this by linearly impute data from 2006 and 2008, which seems resonable if we can assume that costs tend to go up every year and not go down. This is true for the data I have looked at.
Another problem is that some states do not appear in the earlier data due to funding issues (and not being able to get a statistically significant sample). I fix this by using the value in the data for 'states not specified' and fill in the missing states.
Below is code on processing each html file.
Final table shown in Appendix: Insurance Costs Data Table
In [ ]:
# Process HTML files with BeautifulSoup
insurance_costs = {}
insurance_costs_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "data/insurance")
# Loop thru all the files
for filename in [f for f in os.listdir(insurance_costs_path) if f.endswith('.html')]:
states = {}
# File is for what year?
year = int(filename.split('_')[0])
# Open file
full_filename = os.path.join(insurance_costs_path, filename)
f = open(full_filename, "r")
# Import into BeautifulSoup
data = f.readlines()
soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(data))
# Works for years 2008 - 2014
if year in range(2008, 2015):
for tr in soup.find_all('tr'):
# State is located in the TR element
state = tr.get_text().split("\n")[1].lower().strip()
# Find the data, but if you can't, skip it
td = tr.find_all('td')
value = None
if td:
value = float(td[0].get_text().strip().replace(",", ""))
# Account for inflation and round up
value = float(np.round(value * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]))
except ValueError as e:
# We need to stop processing after the first chunk or if we couldnt get a value
if state not in states and value:
states[state] = value
# Works for 2001 - 2006
elif year in range(2001, 2007):
for tr in soup.find_all('tr'):
td = tr.find_all('td')
value = None
if len(td) > 2:
# Same as above, but state is fist TD, not in TR
state = td[0].get_text().lower().strip()
value = float(td[1].get_text().strip().replace(",", ""))
# Account for inflation and round up
value = float(np.round(value * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]))
except ValueError as e:
if state not in states and value:
states[state] = value
# Add data from file to global dict
insurance_costs[year] = states
# For each state in 2007, linearly impute the data
insurance_costs[2007] = { }
for state in insurance_costs[2014]:
insurance_costs[2007][state] = (insurance_costs[2006][state] + insurance_costs[2008][state]) / 2.0
def state_filter(state):
''' Filter out some entries from the html that we pick up as states'''
return "district" not in state and 'united' not in state and 'separately' not in state
# Get all states in 2014, assuming thats the largest set of states
full_set_of_states = set([state for state in sorted(insurance_costs[2014].keys()) if state_filter(state)])
for year in range(2001, 2015):
# Find current set of states from this year
current_set_of_states = set([state for state in sorted(insurance_costs[year].keys()) if state_filter(state)])
# Find difference between states we have now and states in 2014
diff = full_set_of_states.difference(current_set_of_states)
# If there are some states missing, fill in those states with given value from "States not shown separately" in data
if diff and 'states not shown separately' in insurance_costs[year]:
# Fill in each state
for state in list(diff):
insurance_costs[year][state] = insurance_costs[year]['states not shown separately']
# Create final dataframe results for this model variable
insurance_costs_df = pd.DataFrame(insurance_costs)
Looking at the (1) Cars and trucks (used), (2) gasoline and motor oil, (3) other vehicle expenses, and (4) public transportation fields under "Transportation" in the 2014 Consumer Expenditure Report, we can pull out information from each to model the claculation done in the original model. For each sub-variable, we get the amount of money (in millions) and the percentgae of that that single adults spend. After multiple those numbers (accounting for units) and dividiing by the total number of single adults in the survey gives us a mean total cost per adult.
The original model takes into account regional drift by scaling based on each regions. NOTE: See todo in this section
Data can bee seen in full in Appendix: Transportation Costs Data Tables
The health component of the basic needs budget includes: (1) health insurance costs for employer sponsored plans, (3) medical services, (3) drugs, and (4) medical supplies. 8 Costs for medical services, drugs and medical supplies were derived from 2013 national expenditure estimates by household size provided in the 2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey
Data can be seen in full in Appendix: Health Care Costs
Expenditures for other necessities are based on 2013 data by household size from the 2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey including: (1) Apparel and services, (2) Housekeeping supplies, (3) Personal care products and services, (4) Reading, and (5) Miscellaneous. These costs were further adjusted for regional differences using annual expenditure shares reported by region
The data can be seen in full Appendix: Other Necessities Cost
In [669]:
# Created this CSV by hand by reading in appropriate data from each CEX survey
cex_full_data = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("data/cex_survey/cex_data.csv")
cex_other_columns = ['housekeeping', 'apparel and services', 'personal care', 'reading', 'misc']
cex_health_columns = ['healthcare']
cex_transportation_columns = ['cars and trucks used', 'gasoline and motor oil', 'others', 'public']
transportation_costs = { }
health_costs = { }
other_costs = { }
# For every year in the CEX data ...
for year in range(2001, 2015):
# Convert int year to str for indexing; store number of adults in single adults field
str_year = str(year)
num_adults = cex_full_data.loc["number of adults"].loc[str_year]
# Calc transportation model variable
transportation_cost = 0.0
for cex_column in cex_transportation_columns:
transportation_cost += (cex_full_data.loc[cex_column].loc[str_year] * 1000000.0 * \
cex_full_data.loc[cex_column + ' percent'].loc[str_year] * 0.01 ) / float(num_adults * 1000)
# print transportation_costs * inflation_multipliers[year - 1]
transportation_costs[year] = {'transportation_costs': transportation_cost * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]}
# Calc health model variable
health_cost = 0.0
for cex_column in cex_health_columns:
health_cost += (cex_full_data.loc[cex_column].loc[str_year] * 1000000.0 * \
cex_full_data.loc[cex_column + ' percent'].loc[str_year] * 0.01 ) / float(num_adults * 1000)
# print health_costs * inflation_multipliers[year-1]
health_costs[year] = {'health_costs': health_cost * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]}
# Calc other model variable
other_cost = 0.0
for cex_column in cex_other_columns:
other_cost += (cex_full_data.loc[cex_column].loc[str_year] * 1000000.0 * \
cex_full_data.loc[cex_column + ' percent'].loc[str_year] * 0.01 ) / float(num_adults * 1000)
# print other_costs * inflation_multipliers[year-1]
other_costs[year] = {'other_costs': other_cost * updated_inflation_multipliers[year]}
# Create Data frames
transportation_costs_df = pd.DataFrame(transportation_costs)
health_costs_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(health_costs)
other_costs_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(other_costs)
From the model documentation:
Estimates for payroll taxes, state income tax, and federal income tax rates are included in the calculation of a living wage. Property taxes and sales taxes are already represented in the budget estimates through the cost of rent and other necessities.
All tax data can be found in the Appendix: Tax Data Tables.
Lets look at the other tax break downs:
A flat payroll tax and state income tax rate is applied to the basic needs budget. Payroll tax is a nationally representative rate as specified in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
The payroll tax rate (Social Security and Medicare taxes) is 6.2% of total wages as of 2014.
I am not sure where the model gets 6.2% from. The data from the SSA website states that 6.2% is the rate for the Social Security part of the FICA tax. This might be a mistake in the original model. I will use 6.2% for any work in confirming how close I am to the real model, but will use the combined rate (which includes Medicare's Hospital Insurance rate) when calculating final numbers for my model.
Another thing to note is that in 2011 and 2012, the rate for the Social Security part of the FICA tax was 2% lower for individuals.
In [668]:
# Data from FICA rates
updated_fica_tax_rate = dict(zip(
[2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014],
[0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0765, 0.0565, 0.0565, 0.0765, 0.0765]))
# Create dataframe
updated_fica_tax_rate_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"fica rate": updated_fica_tax_rate}).transpose()
# Data that the model used (see notes above)
fica_tax_rate = {
2013: 0.062
The state tax rate is taken from the second lowest income tax rate for 2011 for the state as reported by the CCH State Tax Handbook (the lowest bracket was used if the second lowest bracket was for incomes of over 30,000 ) (we assume no deductions). 26
State income tax rates are for the 2011 tax year. These rates were taken from the 2011 CCH Tax Handbook (various organizations provide the CCH State Tax Handbook rates (including The Tax Foundation)). No updates were available as of March 30, 2014
Using the excel file provide by The Tax Foundation, the second lowest tax bracket's rate is chosen as the rate for the state (except when the bracket is for incomes > 30k, as the original model suggests).
This only came into play in the later years for Vermont, North Dakota, and RI. To be consistent, I used the lowest tax bracket for all years.
Note that I used the rate under "Single" since the model is only for adults. This is done by hand by importing correct numbers from the spreadsheet, which is imported via CSV below:
In [667]:
updated_state_tax_rate_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("data/taxes/formatted_state_taxes.csv")
updated_state_tax_rate_df = updated_state_tax_rate_df.apply(lambda x: x / 100)
updated_state_tax_rate_df.columns = map(int, updated_state_tax_rate_df.columns)
The federal income tax rate is calculated as a percentage of total income based on the average tax paid by median-income four-person families as reported by the Tax Policy Center of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution for 2013. 27
The Tax Policy Center reported that the average federal income tax rate for 2013 was 5.32%. This estimate includes the effects of (1) the Earned Income Tax Credit (assuming two eligible children), (2) the Child Tax Credit expansion as part of EGTRRA, and (3) the Making Work Pay Credit enacted in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
One issue is that the model authors used "Historical Federal Income Tax Rates for a Family of Four". Since I am focusing on single adults, I should use "Historical Average Federal Tax Rates for Nonelderly Childless Households". However, that data stops at 2011 for some reason, so for consistency, I will stick with the model definition and use the Family of Four rate.
Also, the model officially used a number that is different than what is on the updated link above. I will use the number used by the model to confirm the methodology (if I can), but use numbers from the updated data.
In [666]:
# Original model used 5.32% for the tax rate in 2013; the document this was taken from has since been updated.
# So to confirm my methodology, I will use the 5.32% value; however, I will use updated information going forward
updated_federal_income_tax_rate = dict(zip(
[2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014],
[0.0802, 0.0671, 0.0656, 0.0534, 0.0537, 0.0569, 0.0585, 0.0593, 0.0354, 0.0447, 0.0450, 0.0559, 0.0584, 0.0579, 0.0534]))
# Create dataframe
updated_federal_income_tax_rate_df = \
pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'federal income tax rate': updated_federal_income_tax_rate}).transpose()
# Value used by model, used for verifying methodology
federal_income_tax_rate = {
2013: 0.0532
In [ ]:
Take all data loaded in prior into a multi-level index data frame
In [672]:
final_model_values = []
# For every year + fips combo in housing data ...
for year, df in fmr_data.iteritems():
# Skip all non-model years for now
if year not in model_years:
for x in df.iterrows():
# First entry in tuple is index value
(_, fips) = x[0]
## Look up values for model variables
# Extract this row's state and lookup region
state = x[1]['state_alpha']
region = state_to_region_mapping[state]
# Some tax rate info is not found for these, so skip for now
if state in ['PR', 'VI', 'GU']: continue
# Housing cost is in this df (convert from monthly cost)
housing_cost = x[1]['fmr1'] * 12
# Regional food cost (convert from monthly cost)
food_cost = national_monthly_food_cost_per_year_df.loc[region][year] * 12
# Insurance cost
# NOTE: Convert state name to alpha
insurance_cost = insurance_costs_df.loc[state_to_statename_mapping[state]][year]
except Exception as e:
# If the state is not found, use US average
insurance_cost = insurance_costs_df.loc['united states'][year]
# CEX data
healthcare_cost = health_costs_df.iloc[0][year]
transportation_cost = transportation_costs_df.iloc[0][year]
other_cost = other_costs_df.iloc[0][year]
# Get the state tax rate for thos year and state
state_tax_rate = updated_state_tax_rate_df.loc[state][year] / 100.0
except Exception as e:
print "State tax issue with %s and %d" % (state, year)
# Keep Population, even though its not a model variable (this will be used for proper weighted averages)
pop = x[1]["pop"]
# Create tuple of model values for this county in this year
model_values = (year, fips, state, food_cost, insurance_cost, healthcare_cost,
housing_cost, transportation_cost, other_cost, state_tax_rate, pop)
final_model_values.append( model_values )
# Create dataframe from list of tuples
columns = ["year", "fips", "state", "food_cost", "insurance_cost", "healthcare_cost",
"housing_cost", "transportation_cost", "other_cost", "state_tax_rate", "pop"]
final_model_values_df = pd.DataFrame(final_model_values, columns=columns)
final_model_values_df = final_model_values_df.set_index(["year", "fips"])
In [673]:
# Add appropriate columns for federal tax rates
fica_tax_rates = [ ]
federal_income_tax_rates = [ ]
for x in final_model_values_df.iterrows():
(year, _) = x[0]
fica_tax_rates.append( updated_fica_tax_rate_df.iloc[0][year] )
federal_income_tax_rates.append( updated_federal_income_tax_rate_df.iloc[0][year] )
# Create new columns in model dataframe
final_model_values_df['fica_tax_rate'] = fica_tax_rates
final_model_values_df['federal_income_tax_rate'] = federal_income_tax_rates
In [674]:
# Adding column that sums the costs and deals with state and federal taxes
final_model_values_df['total_cost'] = \
(final_model_values_df['food_cost'] + \
final_model_values_df['insurance_cost'] + \
final_model_values_df['healthcare_cost'] + \
final_model_values_df['housing_cost'] + \
final_model_values_df['transportation_cost'] + \
final_model_values_df['other_cost']) * (1 + final_model_values_df['fica_tax_rate'] + \
final_model_values_df['federal_income_tax_rate'] + \
final_model_values_df['state_tax_rate'] )
In [675]:
# Make it wasy to look up by FIPS code
final_model_values_df = final_model_values_df.reset_index('year')
In [676]:
# Serialize for future use
# final_model_values_df.to_csv("final_model_values_v3.csv")
# De-serialize
final_model_values_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("final_model_values_v3.csv")
Create visualizations on:
Plotted here are the living wage values for Kings County, NYC, NY and Orange County, CA:
In [643]:
# Plot three counties
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
final_model_values_df.loc[kings_county]['total_cost'], linestyle='--', marker='o', label="Kings County")
final_model_values_df.loc[orange_county]['total_cost'], linestyle='--', marker='o', label="Orange County")
final_model_values_df.loc[mercer_county]['total_cost'], linestyle='--', marker='o', label="Mercer County")
f.axes[0].set_title('Kings, Orange and Mercer County')
f.axes[0].set_ylabel('Living Wage (Dollars / Year)')
l = f.axes[0].legend(loc='lower right')
First, lets calculate the state averages:
In [686]:
state_weighted_averages = { }
for state in state_to_statename_mapping.keys():
subdf = final_model_values_df[ final_model_values_df['state'] == state ][["year", "pop", "total_cost"]].reset_index("fips")
subdf["weighted_total_cost"] = subdf["total_cost"] * subdf["pop"]
subdf_grouped = subdf.groupby("year")
state_weighted_averages[state] = subdf_grouped["weighted_total_cost"].sum() / subdf_grouped["pop"].sum()
# print state_averages["NY"]
Here, I will compare the average living wge in NJ compared to NY:
In [688]:
# Plot data for New York and NJ
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
state_weighted_averages["NY"].plot(label="NY", linestyle='--', marker='o')
state_weighted_averages["NJ"].plot(label="NJ", linestyle='--', marker='o')
f.axes[0].set_title('NY and NJ Average Living Wage per Year')
f.axes[0].set_ylabel('Living Wage (Dollars / Year)')
l = f.axes[0].legend()
Lets look at all the states within a region.
In [689]:
# final_model_values_df[ final_model_values_df['state'].isin(region_to_state_mapping[REGION_EAST]) ]
region_weighted_averages = { }
for region in region_to_state_mapping.keys():
region_weighted_averages[region] = pd.concat([state_weighted_averages[state] for state in region_to_state_mapping[region]], axis=1)
del region_weighted_averages['base']
del region_weighted_averages['east']
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
for region in region_weighted_averages:
region_weighted_averages[region].apply(np.average, axis=1).plot(label=region, linestyle='--', marker='o')
f.axes[0].set_title('Average Living Wage by Region')
f.axes[0].set_ylabel('Living Wage (Dollars / Year)')
l = f.axes[0].legend(loc="lower right")
Lets see how the model variables changed over the course of a decade from the perspective of a national average, weighed by population.
In [995]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 10))
husl_color_palette = sns.color_palette("husl", len(model_years))
index = np.arange(6)
bar_width = 0.07
model_variable_columns = ['pop', 'food_cost', 'insurance_cost', 'healthcare_cost', 'housing_cost', 'transportation_cost', 'other_cost']
for idx, year in enumerate(model_years):
data = final_model_values_df[ final_model_values_df['year'] == year ][model_variable_columns]
weighted_data = []
for column in model_variable_columns[1:]:
weighted_data.append(sum(data['pop'] * data[column]) / sum(data['pop']))
weighted_series = pd.Series(weighted_data, index=model_variable_columns[1:])
rects1 = plt.bar(index + idx*bar_width, weighted_series, bar_width, alpha=0.5, color=husl_color_palette[0])
plt.xlabel('Model Variable')
plt.ylabel('Cost Per Year')
plt.title('Model Variable Comparison for National (Weighted) Averages: \n 2004 - 2014')
plt.xticks(index + 9*width/2, national_average_2004.index)
plt.legend(labels=model_years, fontsize=12)
This article from Business Insider lists the top 150 counties by population. Here I look at the distribution of living wage values seperated by this grouping.
Some observations:
In [ ]:
# Three subplots sharing both x/y axes
f, ((ax11, ax12), (ax21, ax22), (ax31, ax32), (ax41, ax42), (ax51, ax52), (ax61, ax62)) = \
plt.subplots(6, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 20))
axes = [ax11, ax21, ax31, ax41, ax51, ax61, ax12, ax22, ax32, ax42, ax52, ax62]
# Caclulate the inverse of the most populous counties (which is defined in FMR section)
least_populous_fips = list(set(final_model_values_df.index.values) - set(most_populous_fips))
# Seperate the data frame based on the fip codes of the populous and non-populous counties
most_populous_living_wage_df = final_model_values_df.loc[most_populous_fips]
least_populous_living_wage_df = final_model_values_df.loc[least_populous_fips]
# Color the histograms and density plots with same color
current_color_palette = sns.color_palette()
color_nonpopulous = current_color_palette[2]
color_populous = current_color_palette[0]
point_color = 'green'
# Keep track of variances of each distro
mpvariance = []
lpvariance = []
# X-axis
x = numpy.arange(17000, 36000, 100)
split_threshold = [27500, 27500, 27500, 27500, 27500, 27500, 29000, 29500, 29500, 29500, 29500]
least_populous_maxes = []
most_populous_maxes = []
most_populous2_maxes = []
In [731]:
plot_idx = 0
for year in model_years:
# Subset data for populous counties by year, and store variance of distribution
most_populous_living_wage_data = most_populous_living_wage_df[ most_populous_living_wage_df["year"] == year ]["total_cost"]
# Subset data for non-populous counties by year, and store variance of distribution
least_populous_living_wage_data = least_populous_living_wage_df[ least_populous_living_wage_df["year"] == year ]["total_cost"]
# Histogram / density plot of populous counties living wage distribution
axes[plot_idx].hist(least_populous_living_wage_data.values, 50, normed=True, label="Non-Populous", alpha=0.5, color=color_populous)
density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(least_populous_living_wage_data)
axes[plot_idx].plot(x, density(x), color=color_populous)
# Least populous maxes
least_populous_density = density(least_populous_living_wage_data.values)
least_populous_max_idx = argmax(least_populous_density)
least_populous_density[least_populous_max_idx], marker='o', color=point_color)
# Histogram / density plot of non-populous counties living wage distribution
axes[plot_idx].hist(most_populous_living_wage_data.values, 30, normed=True, label="Populous", alpha=0.5, color=color_nonpopulous)
density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(most_populous_living_wage_data.values)
axes[plot_idx].plot(x, density(x), color=color_nonpopulous)
# Most populous maxes
first_group = most_populous_living_wage_data[most_populous_living_wage_data <= split_threshold[plot_idx]]
first_group_density = density(first_group.values)
most_populous_max_idx = argmax(first_group_density)
first_group_density[most_populous_max_idx], marker='o', color=point_color)
second_group = most_populous_living_wage_data[most_populous_living_wage_data > split_threshold[plot_idx]]
second_group_density = density(second_group.values)
most_populous2_max_idx = argmax(density(second_group.values))
second_group_density[most_populous2_max_idx], marker='o', color=point_color)
# Figure metadata and plot
axes[plot_idx].set_title("Populous vs Non-Populous Living Wage Distributions: %d" % year, fontsize=12, fontweight='bold')
axes[plot_idx].set_xlim([17000, 36000])
axes[plot_idx].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
axes[plot_idx].tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=10)
# Go to next plot
plot_idx += 1
# Standard deviation
# print np.average(mpvariance) 3085.7098474
# print np.average(lpvariance) 1739.76349887
Lets look at the living wage peaks of each subgroup over time:
In [647]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
plt.plot(model_years, least_populous_maxes, label="Least", linestyle='--', marker='o')
plt.plot(model_years, most_populous_maxes, label="Most1", linestyle='--', marker='o')
plt.plot(model_years, most_populous2_maxes, label="Most2", linestyle='--', marker='o')
f.axes[0].set_title('Living Wage Peaks by Population Group')
f.axes[0].set_ylabel('Living Wage (Dollars / Year)')
l = f.axes[0].legend(loc="lower right")
Whats interesting here is that the different between the peak in the least-populous county group and the two peaks in the most-populous group is very steady in value, despite a general increase over time. This seems to insinuate that living in a more populated area comes at the cost of an increase in the living wage needed, and that this cost is maintained over time.
What variables in the model account for the differences in the living wage across the least and most populated counities:
In [247]:
columns = ["food_cost", "insurance_cost", "healthcare_cost", "housing_cost", "transportation_cost", "other_cost", "total_cost"]
# Find the average model variables for least populous counties
least_populous_model_variable_averages = \
least_populous_model_variable_averages = least_populous_model_variable_averages[columns]
# For ease of coding, get subset of dataframe for the most populous counties
most_pop_df = final_model_values_df.loc[most_populous_fips]
# For each year, average model variables for each subgroup in the most populous counties
most_populous_model_variable_averages = None
most_populous2_model_variable_averages = None
for idx, year in enumerate(model_years):
# Average the model variables across fips in the most populous counties for this year, append to df
if most_populous_model_variable_averages is not None:
most_populous_model_variable_averages = pd.concat([most_populous_model_variable_averages, most_pop_df[ most_pop_df["total_cost"] <= split_threshold[idx] ].loc[most_populous_fips]])
most_populous_model_variable_averages = most_pop_df[ most_pop_df["total_cost"] <= split_threshold[idx] ].loc[most_populous_fips]
# Average the model variables across fips in the most populous counties for this year, append to df
if most_populous2_model_variable_averages is not None:
most_populous2_model_variable_averages = pd.concat([most_populous2_model_variable_averages, most_pop_df[ most_pop_df["total_cost"] > split_threshold[idx] ].loc[most_populous_fips]])
most_populous2_model_variable_averages = most_pop_df[ most_pop_df["total_cost"] > split_threshold[idx] ].loc[most_populous_fips]
# Aggregated by year and take an average; filter out only useful variables (tax rates hardly change)
most_populous_model_variable_averages = most_populous_model_variable_averages.groupby("year").aggregate(np.average)
most_populous_model_variable_averages = most_populous_model_variable_averages[columns]
most_populous2_model_variable_averages= most_populous2_model_variable_averages.groupby("year").aggregate(np.average)
most_populous2_model_variable_averages = most_populous2_model_variable_averages[columns]
# Differences between the model variables between each subgroup
model_variable_diffs = pd.concat([(most_populous2_model_variable_averages - most_populous_model_variable_averages).apply(np.average).transpose(),
(most_populous2_model_variable_averages - least_populous_model_variable_averages).apply(np.average).transpose(),
(most_populous_model_variable_averages - least_populous_model_variable_averages).apply(np.average).transpose()], axis=1)
# Print nicely
model_variable_diffs.columns = ['Diff Most2 and Most Pop', 'Diff Most2 and Least Pop', 'Diff Most1 and Least Pop']
formatters = { column:'${:,.2f}'.format for column in model_variable_diffs.columns }
As we can see, that majority of the average difference between these sub-groups is the housing cost variable, followed by food costs and then insurance cost. Note: since we are not doing regional weighting on the CEX data, the three variables derived from them are the same nationally. Hence we expect no change between these variables. This should be looked into after an appropriate regional weighting scheme is found.
Another avenue for investigation is to look into each sub-group and see what percentage each individial model variable accounts for in the total cost average for that sub-group. We will only look at 2014:
In [751]:
# Percent change in the averages of the model variables broken down by population group
most_populous2_model_variable_perc = most_populous2_model_variable_averages.apply(lambda x: x * 100.0 / sum(x[:-1]), axis=1)
most_populous_model_variable_perc = most_populous_model_variable_averages.apply(lambda x: x * 100.0 / sum(x[:-1]), axis=1)
least_populous_model_variable_perc = least_populous_model_variable_averages.apply(lambda x: x * 100.0 / sum(x[:-1]), axis=1)
# Differences between the model variables between each subgroup for 2014
model_variable_percs = pd.concat([most_populous2_model_variable_perc.loc[model_years[-1]],
least_populous_model_variable_perc.loc[model_years[-1]]], axis=1)
# No need for total_cost anymore
model_variable_percs = model_variable_percs[:-1]
model_variable_percs.columns = ['Most2 Pop', 'Most1 Pop', 'Least Pop']
# Create a 1 x 3 figure of stacked bar
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.gca()
width = 0.1
idx = [0, width, 2*width]
xtick_idx = [width/2, 3*width/2, 5*width/2]
data = None
prev_data = None
for rowidx in range(len(model_variable_percs)):
color = current_color_palette[rowidx]
data = model_variable_percs.iloc[rowidx]
if prev_data is not None:
ax.bar(idx, data, width, bottom=prev_data, color=color, alpha=0.5)
prev_data += data
ax.bar(idx, data, width, color=color, alpha=0.5)
prev_data = data
# Add legend,title and Adjust x-axis labels and limits
ax.legend(labels=model_variable_percs.index, prop={'size':16})
ax.set_title("Model Variable Percentage of Total by Population Group (2014)")
plt.xticks(xtick_idx, model_variable_percs.columns, fontsize=18)
ax.set_xlim(0, 4*width)
TODO: Add some more analysis
In [ ]:
# # Read in census data from 2010
# census_race_data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(open("/home/james/Code/Masters/Thesis/data/census/aff_download/DEC_10_DP_DPDP1_with_ann_stripped.csv", "r"))
# census_race_columns = ["GEO.display-label", "HD02_S100", "HD02_S101", "HD02_S102", "HD02_S103", "HD02_S104", "HD02_S105"]
# # census_race_columns = ["GEO.display-label", "HD02_S078", "HD02_S079", "HD02_S080", "HD02_S081", "HD02_S089", "HD02_S094"]
# census_race_data_df = census_race_data_df[census_race_columns]
# census_race_data_df.columns = ["Label", "white_perc", "black_perc", "american_indian_perc", "asian_perc", "pacific_islander_perc", "race_other_perc"]
# census_races = census_race_data_df.columns[1:]
# census_race_data_df.index = census_race_data_df.index.map(lambda x: int(x.split("US")[1] + '99999'))
In [1059]:
census_race_data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(open("/home/james/Code/Masters/Thesis/data/census/aff_download/DEC_10_DP_DPDP1_with_ann_stripped.csv", "r"))
census_race_columns = ["GEO.display-label", "HD02_S078", "HD02_S079", "HD02_S080", "HD02_S081",
"HD02_S089", "HD02_S094",
census_race_data_df = census_race_data_df[census_race_columns]
census_race_data_df.columns = ["Label", "white_perc", "black_perc", "american_indian_perc", "asian_perc",
"pacific_islander_perc", "race_other_perc",
"hispanic_perc", "hispanic_white_perc", "hispanic_black_perc", "hispanic_american_indian_perc",
"hispanic_asian_perc", "hispanic_pacific_islander_perc", "hispanic_race_other_perc"]
census_races = census_race_data_df.columns[1:7]
# adjust for lations
for race in census_races:
census_race_data_df[race] = census_race_data_df[race] - census_race_data_df["hispanic_" + race]
census_races = census_race_data_df.columns[1:8]
census_race_data_df.index = census_race_data_df.index.map(lambda x: int(x.split("US")[1] + '99999'))
# census_race_data_df[census_races].apply(np.sum, axis=1)
# census_race_data_df
In [1042]:
# Three subplots sharing both x/y axes
race_years = range(2006, 2015)
f, axes = plt.subplots(len(race_years), 1, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 25))
plot_idx = 0
for year in race_years:
subdf = final_model_values_df[final_model_values_df['year'] == year].join(census_race_data_df).dropna()
# black_counties = subdf[census_race_data_df.columns[1:]].apply(lambda x: np.argmax(x.values), axis=1)
white_counties = subdf[census_race_data_df.columns[1:]].apply(lambda x: x["white_perc"] > 35.0, axis=1)
black_counties = subdf[census_race_data_df.columns[1:]].apply(lambda x: x["black_perc"] > 35.0, axis=1)
# White
axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[white_counties]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[0])
# rects1 = axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[np.logical_and(subdf['pop'] < 90000, race_max == 0)]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[0])
# white_density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(subdf[race_max == 0]["total_cost"])
# axes[plot_idx].plot(x, white_density(x), color=current_color_palette[0])
# Black
axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[black_counties]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[2])
# rects2 = axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[np.logical_and(subdf['pop'] < 90000, race_max == 1)]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[2])
# black_density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(subdf[race_max == 1]["total_cost"])
# axes[plot_idx].plot(x, black_density(x), color=current_color_palette[2])
# American Indian
# rects3 = axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[race_max == 2]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[2])
# ai_density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(subdf[race_max == 2]["total_cost"])
# axes[plot_idx].plot(x, ai_density(x), color=current_color_palette[3])
# Asian
# rects4 = axes[plot_idx].hist(subdf[race_max == 3]["total_cost"], 100, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color=current_color_palette[2])
# asian_density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(subdf[race_max == 3]["total_cost"])
# axes[plot_idx].plot(x, asian_density(x), color=current_color_palette[4])
axes[plot_idx].set_title(year, fontsize=12)
axes[plot_idx].legend(labels=census_races[0:2], fontsize=12)
axes[plot_idx].set_xlim((18500, 33000))
axes[plot_idx].set_ylim((0, 0.0008))
# Go to next plot
plot_idx += 1
In [1026]:
f, axes = plt.subplots(len(range(2006, 2015)), 1, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 25))
plot_idx = 0
for year in race_years:
subdf = final_model_values_df[final_model_values_df['year'] == year].join(census_race_data_df).dropna()
subdf['total_cost_grp'] = subdf['total_cost'].map(lambda x: round(x / 300.0) * 300.0)
subdf['white_pop'] = (subdf['pop'] * (subdf['white_perc'] / 100.0)).map(int)
subdf['black_pop'] = (subdf['pop'] * (subdf['black_perc'] / 100.0)).map(int)
subdf['asian_pop'] = (subdf['pop'] * (subdf['asian_perc'] / 100.0)).map(int)
w = subdf[['white_pop', 'total_cost_grp']].groupby('total_cost_grp').aggregate(np.sum)
w['white_pop'] = w['white_pop'] / sum(w['white_pop'])
b = subdf[['black_pop', 'total_cost_grp']].groupby('total_cost_grp').aggregate(np.sum)
b['black_pop'] = b['black_pop'] / sum(b['black_pop'])
a = subdf[['asian_pop', 'total_cost_grp']].groupby('total_cost_grp').aggregate(np.sum)
a['asian_pop'] = a['asian_pop'] / sum(a['asian_pop'])
axes[plot_idx].bar(w.index, w['white_pop'], 100, color=current_color_palette[0], alpha=0.5)
axes[plot_idx].bar(b.index + 100, b['black_pop'], 100, color=current_color_palette[2], alpha=0.5)
axes[plot_idx].bar(a.index + 200, a['asian_pop'], 100, color=current_color_palette[3], alpha=0.5)
axes[plot_idx].set_title(year, fontsize=12)
axes[plot_idx].legend(["white", "black", "asian"], fontsize=12, loc="upper left")
axes[plot_idx].set_xlim((18500, 35000))
axes[plot_idx].set_ylim((0.00, 0.10))
# Go to next plot
plot_idx += 1
In [1044]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 10))
index = np.arange(len(census_races))
bar_width = 0.07
for idx, year in enumerate(model_years):
race_points = []
subdf = final_model_values_df[final_model_values_df['year'] == year].join(census_race_data_df).dropna()
for race in census_races:
subdf[race + '_pop'] = subdf["pop"] * (subdf[race] / 100.0)
race_points.append(sum(subdf[race + '_pop'] * subdf['total_cost']) / sum(subdf[race + '_pop']))
plt.bar(index + idx*bar_width, race_points, bar_width, color=husl_color_palette[0], alpha=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Average Living Wage')
plt.title('Average Living Wage By Race: \n 2004 - 2014')
plt.xticks(index + 9*width/2, census_races)
plt.legend(labels=model_years, fontsize=12)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
The living wage gap can be defined as:
For the median wage:
American Community Survey (ACS): Starting with 2000, the ACS provides subnational estimates of income and poverty for the nation, states, and places, counties, and metropolitan areas with a population of at least 250,000. The sample size of this survey from 2000 to 2004 was about 800,000 addresses per year. In 2006, the ACS began releasing annual subnational estimates of income and poverty for all places, counties, and metropolitan areas with a population of at least 65,000 as well as the nation and the states. The sample size of this survey increased to about three million addresses per year, making the ACS exceptionally useful for subnational analyses.
For the minimum wage:
We calculate the gap for each FIPS and year combination and look for any trends.
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Housing.
In [272]:
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Food Costs.
In [179]:
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Health Insurance Costs.
In [144]:
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Taxes.
In [164]:
In [162]:
In [566]:
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Transportation Costs.
In [456]:
In [652]:
l = transportation_costs_df.transpose().plot(linestyle='--', marker='o')
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Health Care Costs.
In [526]:
In [654]:
l = health_costs_df.transpose().plot(linestyle='--', marker='o')
The model definition is specified in Model Variable: Other Necessities Cost
In [528]:
In [656]:
l = other_costs_df.transpose().plot(linestyle='--', marker='o')